Compliance Review Unit


The Compliance Review Unit (CRU) exists to ensure that school districts and charter schools within the state of Texas remain or come into compliance with statutory and program requirements. CRU works collaboratively with other investigative divisions within the Agency to address reported concerns.

CRU investigates complaints submitted through the TEA General Education Complaint online form that are determined to be under the jurisdiction of TEA within CRU’s scope. 

What happens after CRU receives a complaint?

  • CRU reviews the complaint to determine if additional information is needed to complete a review of the allegations within the agency’s authority to review.
  • CRU may request that a Local Education Agency (LEA) provides a written response to the concern(s) raised and to provide any supporting documentation to demonstrate the LEA’s compliance.
  • CRU will review the LEA response and determine if any further information is needed from the LEA and/or the complainant to complete its review.

Review of Allegations

CRU generally reviews common categories of complaints against public school districts and charter schools.  These include but are not limited to:

  • Bullying Prevention Measures Requirements
  • Child Abuse Reporting and Procedure Requirements
  • Complaint/Grievance Process
  • Admission/Enrollment Issues
  • Compliance with Nepotism and/or Conflict of Interest Requirements
  • Contract Procurement
  • Required postings on LEA websites
  • Other state law requirements

CRU will review the allegations and determine if the LEA has the required policies and procedures in place to address the allegation(s) raised and whether there are systemic issues of concern that require correction.  CRU works collaboratively with the LEA to come into compliance within reasonable timelines. All individual concerns in the complaint are recommended to be resolved through the local grievance or other appropriate local process.

Actions Taken After a Compliance Review

Following CRU’s review, one of the following actions are approved to ensure LEA compliance:

  • Closure: Upon review of the LEA response and information provided by the complainant; TEA could not substantiate a violation of law that TEA has the authority to enforce.
  • Attestation: The LEA attests the information provided to the TEA accurately reflects the actions taken by the school entity and is a current representation of adhering to statutory requirements identified by the compliance review unit under the Texas Education Code.
  • Corrective Action Plan: The response provided establishes that the LEA is not in current compliance with statutory requirements. TEA will provide the LEA with information needed to be in compliance within a given timeframe.
  • Referral to Special Investigations Unit: The LEA failed to respond to the allegations and/or after CRU’s review it has been determined that the allegations presented warrant a special investigation.
  • Other Referrals: If appropriate based on CRU’s review, other referrals within TEA or with external entities may be made or recommended to complainants to address the remaining concerns.

Training & Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Responsive information might include a narrative summary response to the allegations, including but not limited to the following information (when applicable): Policies/procedures; Training documents; Board Meeting Agenda/ Minutes; Conflict of Interest Forms; Contracts; and any other supporting evidence required for review.

This varies- Each complaint is handled individually and while some may be easily resolved, others take additional time for the agency to conduct a thorough investigation. It is not uncommon for compliance reviews to take at least one year, which is one reason TEA encourages complainants to pursue local grievance processes for more immediate relief.

Complainants are encouraged to follow the district’s local grievance process.  For more information on the Local Grievance Process visit: The complainant could (but is not required to) provide additional information for TEA’s consideration if not previously provided. If there is additional information, a complaint may be reopened if determined appropriate by TEA.

Contact Information

Compliance Review Unit
