CTE Programs of Study

Refreshed Programs of Study

NEW: Refreshed programs of study will be implemented beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. 

Perkins V is federal legislation requiring states that receive federal CTE funds to align CTE programs of study to high-wage, in-demand, and high-skill occupations. The Division of College, Career, and Military Preparation has engaged members of the workforce, secondary education, and higher education to advise on the development and recent refresh of programs of study, which include coherent course sequences, industry-based certifications, and work-based learning opportunities to ensure students are prepared for high-wage, in-demand, and high-skill careers in Texas. 

Statewide and Regional Framework Documents

NEW: Spanish Program of Study framework documents and editable PowerPoint slides are linked below in the Additional Resources section.

Education and Training Icon

Education and Training

Health Science Icon

Health Science

Additional Resources

Resources that support implementation of refreshed programs of study beginning in the 2024-2025 school year can be viewed by following the links below: 

CTE Programs of Study Mapping Application

CTE GIS application poster

In 2021, TEA's Career and Technical Education (CTE) team began developing a platform to map out programs of study across the state. The 2021 release is self-reported 2019-2020.  A new set of layers are available that reflect the 2020-2021 concentrators and completers for programs of study across the state.  Please read the instructions tab in the application for additional instructions and methodology.  For more information, please email: CTE@tea.texas.gov.

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Please note: this application does NOT support Internet Explorer. Please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari.